
Nature day tour kayak

Experience warm summer days and bright evenings from the kayak. Paddle through the beautiful archipelago which consists of more than 1 300 islands to explore.

Price: SEK 1 450 / person
Group size: 2-6 persons


Spend time out in nature fishing. This activity is both for people new to fishing and recreational fishers. You can learn fishing techniques, we also sit by the fire and enjoy nature.

Price: SEK 1 150 / person
Group size: 2-4 persons

Big canoe

Enter the big canoe and join this truly unique paddle experience. We start in the town of Boden and travel safely downstream the river towards Luleå. Of course there wiill be a pause for stretching our legs and a Swedish fika (warm drink and sweet to eat) along our route.

Price: SEK 1 950 / person
Group size: 2-6 persons

Hiking adventure 5 days

Have you ever dreamed of going on a hiking adventure through wilderness forest with a group of people sharing that same dream. This adventure takes you to Sweden's largest forestry national park. For 5 days we hike in an easy pace through old forest and across far stretching bogs. Sleep under the stars and enjoy the relaxing sounds of nature.

Price: SEK 8 950 / person
Group size: 2-10 persons